Deadline, Stopwatch, Clock, Time, Pressure, Watch


In the auditorium, the teacher was sharing a piece of information with their children. She told that you are about to begin your exams. These exams are going to define you. The grades you get are going to determine which industry and which job you will be able to get into. These exams are exceedingly Important and I want you to take them seriously. These exams will determine what you will become in life.

          The Guest Speaker raised his hand and request to let him speak something. He said, Sorry Miss...
This was a letter written by a headteacher in Singapore, I think it's really important for teachers, your parents and for you to hear.

Dear parents, the exams of your children are about to start soon. I know you are really anxious for your child to do well. But please do remember, amongst the students who will be sitting for their exams:
  • There is a child who doesn't need to understand maths
  • There is an entrepreneur who doesn't care about History and English literature
  • There is a musician whose Chemistry marks won't matter
  • There is a spots person whose physical fitness is more important than their grades in Physics
If your child does get top marks. that's great but if he or she doesn't please don't take away their self-confidence and their dignity from them. 
    Tell them it's ok It's just an exam. There are cut out for much bigger things in life. Tell them no matter what they score, that you love them and don't judge them. Please do this and when you do, watch your children conquer the world. One exam and low marks won't take away their dreams or their talent.
Please don't think that doctors and engineers are the only happy people in the world. With warm regards the Principal.

Here is my message:
  • Exams are important, but they are not everything.
  • Grades are good but they don't define you.
Don't let one exam and one grade define your whole future. There is so much more potential inside of you. And remember

As Albert Einstein said, "Everyone is genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will spend its whole life believing that it's stupid"

Don't let other people metrics of success becomes yours.

Stress, Pressure, Anxiety, Angst


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