INSPIRATIONAL STORY OF THE ROCK This man spent most of his childhood bouncing in between homes in California and New Zealand . He was always a meditator for his parents as a child trying to stop the fighting and arguing but it didn't always work. ARGUMENTS His family suffered multiple financial issues and hit the Rock bottom. They were living in an efficiency that cost💸💸 $ 120 a week. $120 A WEEK He started to focus on what he could control, his body💪. He started to play football⚽. It wasn't easy in the beginning bit as he focused and worked harder and things got better on the field as well as off the field. FITNESS After a good high school career, he accepted a scholarship🎓 to play football⚽ at the University of Miami under coach Dennis Erickson. During this time he started to get an injury one after another. After his years at the University of Miami, he was put into the NFL draft and wasn't picked at all. So, In 1995 he decided he would join Calgary Stampede in Cana...